Cycle Syncing for Wellness

Cycle Syncing for Wellness and Productivity

For centuries menstrual cycles have been demonized and looked upon as something shameful or unsanitary. Being a taboo subject for so long, there’s so much information/misinformation floating about that separates us as women from our cycles, when embracing it and learning about it will do us the world of good!

In fact, your menstrual cycle is one of the biggest indicators of your health and syncing your lifestyle and your cycle has an abundance of health benefits, from your physical to your mental health – even your spiritual health!

In this post, we’ll explore what cycle syncing is, how it can benefit you, and what to do/eat in each phase of the cycle.

what is period syncing

So Why Should You Cycle-Sync?

Cycle syncing helps you get in tune with your body’s natural rhythms throughout the 4 phases of your cycle, and adjusting your lifestyle around your hormone and energy levels can have super positive effects, not only on your mood but also on your energy levels, productivity, and overall well-being. 

Your hormones fluctuate so much during your cycle (as I’m sure you’ve noticed) so trying to maintain the same routines, appetite, and energy levels all month long just isn’t feasible.

However, with cycle syncing, your daily activities center around what phase of your cycle you’re at, so you can give yourself more grace when your hormones just say no that day, or you can get through that 20-item to-do list when you’ve entered the superwoman phase!

By understanding the hormonal fluctuations that happen at what point, you can optimize your lifestyle to match it up with these changes, resulting in you feeling much more balanced, less stressed, and more connected to your body!

Try these daily rituals for hormonal balance!

Who Should Do the Cycle Syncing?

Everyone! I truly believe that cycle syncing is something that should be mandatory for women and girls to learn, it’s the opportunity to click with your body and give it what it needs based on what phase of your cycle you’re at.

Some women experience more intense symptoms during their cycles that can impact their everyday lives in addition to their mental and physical well-being – for them, cycle syncing may bring about even more benefits, as they may suffer from reproductive conditions such as:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
  • Premenstrual Exacerbation (PME)

However, all women will benefit from getting clued up on what their bodies are going through.

The 4 Phases of a Woman’s Cycle

On average, a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and is divided into four phases:

  1. Menstrual phase (Day 1 – 5)
  2. Follicular phase (Day 6 – 14)
  3. Ovulation phase (Day 15 – 17)
  4. Luteal phase (Day 18 – 28)

Of course, the length of each phase can vary from woman to woman and can change over time. Understanding your unique rhythm is the key to cycle syncing.

what is cycle syncing

How to Start Cycle Syncing

Phase 1 – Menstrual (your period)

What’s happening during this time?

First up, we have the menstrual phase, which usually happens during the first 3-7 days of your cycle. This is the time that your uterus decides she needs a reset and sheds the lining and then you’ll bleed. 

During this phase, you’re low on both estrogen and progesterone, meaning you’ll most likely feel very low energy and emotional. Other common symptoms around this time include:

  • Cramping 
  • Tender breasts
  • Bloating
  • Headaches 
  • Moodswings
  • Upset tummy 
  • Acne breakouts

What should you focus on?

Rest, rest, and more rest! Furthermore, it’s the time for self-reflection, journaling, meditating, napping, and treating yourself well. Your body goes through the most at this point, as it’s getting ready to build the uterine lining back up for your next cycle. 

So go ahead and sit down with your hot chocolate and fluffy socks, jot in your journal, and relax. 

TRY THESE: 80 Cycle Syncing Journal Prompts for Each Phase of Your Cycle

What should you eat?

As you’re bleeding, it’s super important to keep up your iron levels as you’ll be losing a lot through your flow, it’s also a good idea to eat some anti-inflammatory foods. Try to incorporate things like leafy greens, chicken, fish, dark chocolate, turmeric, ginger, nuts, and yogurt! 

Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated!   

What exercises are best?

Gentle exercise is just the ticket during your menstrual phase. Try out things like light yoga, low-intensity Pilates, walking, and stretching during this time. Although, I suspect that you may not have the energy to do much more! 

What should you pay attention to?

Your nutrition, hydration levels, and rest. These three are key factors in helping you manage this phase of your cycle, as your body may be losing a lot of vital nutrients through this phase, you must keep it topped up so the bodily functions flow smoothly. 

how does cycle syncing work

Phase 2 – Follicular (pre-egg release)

What’s happening during this time?

This is the phase that may just make you feel like you have mental superpowers. Your estrogen levels increase, taking your energy levels and mood with it as your body prepares for Ovulation. The follicular phase overlaps your menstrual phase and lasts up to day 14. 

You’ll probably feel like you can conquer the world, and this phase of your cycle is probably the best time to try! These are the symptoms you’re likely to experience:

  • Increased mood
  • Elevated energy levels 
  • Clearer skin
  • Less brain fog
  • Increased sex drive
  • Clearer, thinner cervical fluid
  • Increased creativity

What should you focus on?

Make plans, set goals, and nurture yourself. Take the time to love yourself, take a long walk, speak positive affirmations to yourself, have a hot bath, and have some quiet time with yourself. 

With your newfound mental clarity, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate things and create some new plans. Perhaps you want to change your workout routine. Or you want to read more? Learn a new recipe? Take a new course? 

Whatever it might be, now is the perfect time to pick something up, be creative, and build your confidence in something new. 

What should you eat?

Fresh vibrant foods like salads, leafy greens, and fruits along with Omega 3 rich foods such as salmon and chia seeds boost the mental clarity you’ll have during this time.

Proper nutrition is crucial throughout the whole cycle, but ensuring you have enough protein and fatty acids during this time will support your hormone changes and energy demands of this phase. 

What exercises are best?

Now’s the time to embrace those higher energy levels, smash out your strength training, and go for some higher-intensity cardio.

Higher intensity exercise will feel great around this time so make sure you get your miles or your reps in!

What should you pay attention to?

Exercising, or better than that, moving your body in whichever way feels good, is a great way to spend your time during this phase. Creating those endorphins, boosting your energy, and creating a nice momentum for the rest of your cycle. 

Do things to get your creative juices flowing as well, around this time when the brain fog has gone, you’ll truly be able to get into your creative flow state and fire up those neurons!

what to eat cycle syncing

Phase 3 – Ovulation (release of the egg)

What’s happening during this time?

Cue the spicy phase! Right now between days 14-18 of your cycle, your estrogen level is at its peak, and you’ll probably be feeling frisky and full of life. 

Your energy levels will be sky-high in addition to being the most fertile during your ovulation phase. So if you’re trying to get pregnant then this 3-day window is your time to do it, it’ll help you burn off some of that excess energy as well.

During ovulation, your ovaries release a mature egg into the uterus ready to be fertilized, so what kind of symptoms are you likely to experience in your fertile window?

  • High body temperature
  • Cervical fluid that resembles egg whites
  • Higher than usual sex drive
  • Lower abdomen pain
  • Breast tenderness
  • Heightened senses

What should you focus on?

Communication and connection. During ovulation, your social and communication skills are at their peak and you’ll experience better emotional intelligence. Helping you be more attuned to others’ feelings and better at navigating social interactions.

This time can be key in strengthening relationships and even helping you network as you’ll feel more outgoing and communicative. 

Your increase in libido may also make you want to explore deepening the connections with your partner as well (if you catch the drift!)

What should you eat?

During this very short window, your estrogen will climb and then plummet, so it’s really important that you get in the phytoestrogen-rich foods. Flaxseeds, soy products, and legumes mimic estrogen in the body, which will help balance the hormone as your estrogen levels drop!

Cruciferous vegetables, healthy fats, and complex carbs will help to regulate your moods and energy levels. 

What exercises are best?

Weight lifting, kickboxing, CrossFit, and HIIT classes – go all out! Use those sky-high energy levels whilst they’re here, as they won’t stay for much longer. 

What should you pay attention to?

Towards the end of ovulation, you’ll probably need a lot more sleep, as your estrogen and progesterone levels switch places. Progesterone is known to make you more sleepy, so be sure to give your body the rest it needs and now’s the best time to get in those phyto-estrogen-rich foods!

period syncing

Phase 4 – Luteal (post-egg release)

What’s happening during this time?

To prepare for a potential pregnancy your body creates a surge in progesterone, if pregnancy isn’t on the cards that month, then those heightened hormone levels will take a dive, which will result in PMS symptoms. If you suffer from PME or PMDD, this may be the time it starts to take a real toll on your well-being.

The luteal phase starts around the day 18 mark of your cycle and you may notice the feeling of not wanting to leave your bed is more and more frequent. We’re heading back into self-care and gentleness territory with this phase, in which you’re probably going to experience:

  • Irritability and snappiness
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Acne
  • A soaring appetite
  • Cramps
  • A funny tummy
  • Weight gain
  • Sticky/creamy cervical fluid

What should you focus on?

Nesting and completion. Your cycle is drawing to a close, thus being the perfect time to tie up loose ends, finish projects, and detox. 

This phase is almost autumnal, you know the feeling you get when the year is drawing in and getting ready to end? Treat the luteal phase the same way, get cozy, wrap things up, pack things away, organize your space and journal.

Prioritizing activities that lift your spirits is a must too, as a lot of women describe the luteal phase as the period they feel the lowest.

What should you eat?

Fish, lean meat, and complex carbs like sweet potato and whole grains will help you level out your blood sugar, whilst dark chocolate and other magnesium-rich foods will help you kick PMS symptoms to the curb.

What exercises are best?

At the start of the luteal phase, you can go full steam ahead with your HIIT workouts, etc, but towards the end, you might find it takes you longer to recover from harder workouts, so you’ll want to take your foot off the gas a bit and get back into the stretching, yoga, and walking. 

What should you pay attention to?

Self-care time! Do what feels good to encourage those feel-good hormones, because at this time your hormones are making you feel pretty bad. 

Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, stretching, and being out in nature. Right now your priority is your mental health and well-being, so however, that looks for you indulge, indulge, indulge!

READ MORE: 12 Holistic Ways to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

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cycle syncing chart

Align with Your Natural Rhythm

Cycle syncing is a time-old beautiful practice that women worldwide have embraced for centuries, integrating into their wellness and spiritual practices, and as women, we must take ownership and recognize our menstrual cycles as not only a strength but a power. 

Menstrual cycles are one of the most natural bodily processes, and every minute detail that takes place throughout those 4 phases is pretty magical! I invite you to start listening to your body, tracking your cycles, and getting into rhythm with them, I guarantee that you won’t regret it! 

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