positive affirmations for women

70 Positive Affirmations for Women

We live in a world where negativity is everywhere. It’s in our newsfeeds on social media, on TV, and in almost every aspect of our lives. We often don’t realize how much negativity we experience until we stop and think about it. Our minds are bombarded with negative messages and thoughts all day long. We can become overwhelmed by them if we let them take over our lives. Positive affirmations for women are meant to combat this negativity by reminding us of what we already know – that we ARE beautiful, unique, and special! They give us permission to believe in ourselves just as much as anyone else believes in us!


Women are incredible, beautiful, and amazing. We need to remind ourselves of this every day. Positive affirmations for women allow us to feel good about ourselves and our lives. They help us reach our goals and achieve success. Our words have power over our lives, so why not use them in a positive way?

Let’s make positive affirmations a regular part of your life!


Positive Affirmations for Women

  1. I am worthy and deserving of love and respect.
  2. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  3. I am confident in my abilities and strengths.
  4. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  5. I am beautiful inside and out.
  6. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.
  7. I trust myself to make the best decisions for my life.
I am surrounded by positivity and love.
  1. I am surrounded by positivity and love.
  2. I am strong and resilient.
  3. I am worthy of success and abundance.
  4. I am enough just as I am.
  5. I am filled with peace, joy, and happiness.
  6. I trust the universe to guide me toward my highest good.
  7. I release all negative thoughts and emotions.
  8. I forgive myself and others for past mistakes.
  9. I am open to new opportunities and experiences.
  10. I embrace change and growth in my life.
  11. I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.
  12. I am worthy of good health and self-care.
affirmations for women
  1. I am kind and compassionate towards myself and others.
  2. I am deserving of fulfilling relationships.
  3. I am grateful for my unique talents and gifts.
  4. I am free to be my authentic self.
  5. I trust my intuition to guide me toward my purpose.
  6. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family.
  7. I am empowered to create the life I desire.
  8. I am constantly growing and evolving.
  9. I am confident in my ability to handle challenges.
  10. I am a magnet for positive energy and experiences.
  11. I choose to focus on the good in every situation.
  12. I am worthy of financial abundance and security.
  13. I am grateful for the simple pleasures in life.
  14. I am deserving of respect and kindness from others.
  15. I am worthy of taking time for myself and my own needs.
  16. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  17. I am grateful for the lessons that challenges bring me.
  18. I trust my inner wisdom to guide me toward my goals.
  19. I am worthy of love and compassion from myself and others.
feminine affirmations
  1. I am constantly improving and growing as a person.
  2. I am confident in my ability to handle any situation.
  3. I trust in the universe to provide for me in abundance.
  4. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment.
  5. I am surrounded by people who uplift and support me.
  6. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.
  7. I am capable of creating the life I desire.
  8. I am blessed with unique talents and abilities.
  9. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my life.
  10. I am worthy of setting boundaries and saying no when necessary.
  11. I am deserving of rest and relaxation.
  12. I am worthy of love and affection in my relationships.
  13. I am grateful for the progress I have made in my life.
  14. I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.
  15. I am confident in expressing my needs and desires.
  16. I am deserving of success and recognition for my achievements.
  17. I am grateful for the small moments of joy in my life.
  18. I trust that everything happens for a reason.
  19. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  20. I am worthy of forgiveness and compassion towards myself and others.
  21. I am grateful for the simple things in life.
  22. I am capable of letting go of negative beliefs and patterns.
  23. I am worthy of taking care of my physical and mental health.
  24. I am confident in my ability to handle rejection and failure.
  25. I trust that the universe has a plan for me.
positive respect affirmations
  1. I am deserving of respect and admiration from others.
  2. I am grateful for my inner strength and resilience.
  3. I am capable of creating healthy and supportive relationships.
  4. I am worthy of being proud of myself and my accomplishments.
  5. I am open to learning and growing from my mistakes.
  6. I deserve to experience love and joy in my life.
  7. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

Don’t lose these positive affirmations for women, pin them!

affirmations for women

Remember that you are a beautiful, divine being and a super cool badass. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you that this isn’t true. The universe loves you! You love the universe! Remember to do at least one thing every day that makes you feel good about yourself. Try these positive affirmations for women to remind yourself how amazing you are. ❤️





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