70 Journal Prompts to Figure Out What You Want in Life
Let me guess… You’re in your 20s or 30s and you can’t shake the feelin’ you’re behind because you haven’t yet figured out what you want.
Well, news flash! There’s actually not many of us who do, so you’re not alone. Figuring out your purpose and what you’re supposed to do with your life does not come easy, as we’re so often torn between what we want to do and what we’re ‘supposed’ to do.
Now that you’ve approached the time when you want to figure it out, self-reflection is the key to gaining the clarity you need. It’s essential if you want to live your life intentionally, and journaling is one of the best ways to do that. It’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and opens up a space for you to explore parts of your life along with your feelings, dreams, and fears.
Why It’s Hard to Know What You Want
If you’re anything like me, you’re up against endless distractions and an abundance of choices all day every day. Although the age of information is amazing in that we can learn so much and have access to so much more, the information overload can be a lot!
Also, social media allows us to see what everyone else does and has, and with so many options that all look enjoyable, it’s almost impossible to pin down your purpose. In addition to everything online, pressures from family and peers can be a massive influence on your choices and options too.
There can be the fear that what you choose might lead to regret or to disappointing the people around you, which can put you off committing to something. All these outside influences can make it hard to separate what we actually want from what we think we should want.
How Journaling Can Help You Gain Clarity
Journalling is an unfiltered way to wade through the depths of your thoughts and feelings, without judgement or hesitation, which makes it perfect to help you reveal to yourself what you really want from your life.
Journaling regularly has been shown to help bring order to your thought processes and also uncover thoughts or desires you have that may be buried beneath the surface.
Journaling doesn’t need fancy (or neat!) handwriting, perfect grammar or spelling, it’s simply about letting your honest thoughts and feelings flow. Just make sure you’re able to actually read it back!
Let the words you’re writing flow and don’t filter anything — doing this is going to help you tap into raw emotions, ideas, and desires that’ll lead you to tap into self-discovery mode and help you clarify your goals and what you really want to do with your life.

70 Journal Prompts for Figuring Out What You Want
Personal Growth and Self-Discovery
- What do you want to understand about yourself that you currently find unclear or confusing?
- If you could wake up with one new quality or ability that would make you feel more fulfilled, what would it be?
- What kind of person do you aspire to be in the next five years, and what steps do you want to take to get there?
- What areas of your life do you feel are holding you back from becoming your ideal self, and what changes do you want to make?
- What do you want to believe about yourself that you don’t fully embrace yet? Why does this belief matter to you?
- What is one area of personal growth that excites you, and how do you want to start exploring it?
- What fears or doubts do you want to overcome in order to feel more confident in yourself?
- What would a life where you are fully aligned with your true self look like? Describe the qualities or habits you want to develop to reach this alignment.
- What do you want your life to stand for, and how can your personal growth journey reflect this?
- When you think of your happiest, most grounded self, what qualities or mindsets do you want to cultivate to embody that version of you?
Career and Professional Fulfillment
- What type of work would make you excited to get up each morning? Describe the qualities or tasks that energize you.
- If you could design your ideal work-life balance, what would it look like, and why is it important to you?
- What skills or areas of expertise do you want to develop that would make you feel more accomplished in your career?
- What type of work environment do you thrive in, and how does it align with your ideal professional goals?
- What do you want to contribute through your career? Think about the impact you’d like to have on others, the industry, or society.
- What values do you want your work to reflect, and how can these values guide you in choosing a fulfilling career path?
- What are your non-negotiables in a job? List qualities, work conditions, or responsibilities that you feel you must have to feel satisfied professionally.
- If there were no limits (like location, salary needs, or education requirements), what career would you pursue? What excites you about it?
- What types of projects or goals make you feel most successful? Describe what ‘success’ looks like for you professionally.
- What are you currently doing in your career that aligns with your vision for your professional life? What do you want to change?
Relationships and Social Connections
- What qualities do you value most in friendships or relationships, and how do you want to see these qualities reflected in your life?
- How would you describe the ideal relationship dynamic you want with your family, friends, or partner?
- What boundaries do you want to set in your relationships to feel respected and supported?
- What kind of support do you want from those closest to you, and how can you communicate this need clearly?
- When do you feel most connected to others, and how can you cultivate more of these connections in your life?
- What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with to feel inspired, valued, and understood?
- If you could improve one thing about your current relationships, what would it be, and how would that impact your happiness?
- How do you want to feel in your relationships, and what actions can you take to nurture these feelings?
- What do you want to give to others in your relationships, and how can this align with what you want to receive?
- Looking back, what have been the most fulfilling relationships in your life, and what do you want to carry forward into future connections?

Health and Wellness
- How do you want to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally each day? Describe what wellness looks like to you.
- What routines or habits would make you feel more energized and balanced in your daily life?
- If you could achieve one major health goal this year, what would it be and why is it important to you?
- What physical activities do you genuinely enjoy, and how can you incorporate more of them into your routine?
- How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night? What changes could help you get there?
- What foods, practices, or self-care habits make you feel your best, and how can you make them a regular part of your life?
- What are some current stressors that you’d like to reduce or eliminate, and what wellness practices might help you manage them?
- How do you want to approach your mental health, and what tools or resources can support you in feeling more balanced and resilient?
- What does a perfect “self-care day” look like for you, and how can you create time for these moments more regularly?
- How do you want to feel about your body, and what steps can you take to foster a healthier, more positive relationship with it?
Lifestyle and Daily Routine
- What does an ideal day look like for you from morning to night? Describe the activities, pace, and environment.
- What are three daily habits you’d love to incorporate into your life, and how do you think they would improve your well-being?
- What aspects of your current routine feel energizing, and what aspects feel draining? What changes do you want to make?
- How much time each day do you want to spend on work, relaxation, and personal interests? What adjustments could bring your life closer to this balance?
- What kind of morning routine would set you up for a positive, productive day? List the activities you’d like to include.
- How would you describe your ideal living space, and what small changes could you make now to create a more comfortable environment?
- What daily or weekly activities make you feel joyful or fulfilled, and how can you prioritize them in your routine?
- If you could simplify one part of your routine, what would it be and why? How would this change free up more time or energy?
- What are some small moments of self-care you want to include in each day, and how can you create time for them?
- What do you want to feel at the end of each day, and what changes to your daily routine would help you achieve that feeling?
Financial Freedom and Security
- What does financial freedom mean to you personally, and how would it change your life?
- If you could achieve one financial goal this year, what would it be, and why is it important to you?
- What are your biggest financial priorities right now, and how do they align with your long-term goals?
- How do you want to feel about money, and what steps can you take to cultivate a healthier mindset around it?
- What does an ideal budget look like for you, and how would it support the lifestyle you want to lead?
- What financial habits do you want to develop to feel more in control and empowered with your money?
- If money were no object, what would you pursue or change in your life, and what does this reveal about your financial goals?
- What are your biggest financial stressors, and what steps could you take to minimize or manage them better?
- How much of a safety net do you want to feel secure, and what would help you build toward this level of savings?
- What do you want your relationship with money to look like in five years, and what actions can you start taking now to move in that direction?
Hobbies and Passions
- What activities make you feel most alive and engaged, and how can you make more time for them?
- If you had a full day to do anything you wanted, what would you choose to do, and why?
- What hobbies or interests have you always wanted to try but haven’t yet explored?
- How do you want to feel during your free time, and what types of activities or hobbies would create that feeling?
- What pastimes bring you a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment, and how can you incorporate them regularly?
- If you could learn any skill or pursue any interest without limitations, what would it be, and what excites you about it?
- What creative outlets do you want to explore to express yourself or unwind, and what’s holding you back?
- What were some hobbies you enjoyed as a child, and how could you reconnect with similar activities today?
- What leisure activities make you lose track of time, and how can you create more opportunities for them?
- How do you want your hobbies and interests to contribute to your overall well-being, and what new activities could support that goal?
Pin these journal prompts for figuring out what you want in life!
Figuring Out What You Really Want
Journaling definitely isn’t a one-stop solution or quick fix, but it’s brilliant for maintaining a level of self-reflection and revealing more and more about yourself as time goes on — making sure that you are continually getting to know yourself on deeper levels.
Knowing exactly what you want from life requires a lot of unlearning certain thought processes and ideas that are probably ingrained in you from childhood, so give yourself the time, space, and freedom to be able to figure it out, and don’t expect that you’ll have a lightbulb moment after the first time journaling — although you might! Have patience and trust the process because it will definitely come and when it does it’ll be an amazing experience.
There’s so much beauty in knowing yourself on a deeper level and you’ll find it brings a strong sense of confidence and self-worth with it too. The regular check-ins with yourself will also help you to bring yourself out of funks when you get into them too. But as with anything, it takes time and consistency to form a habit and reap the rewards from it.